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About : FNF: Everywhere At The End Of Funk

In FNF: Everywhere At The End Of Funk, the story revolves around the battle between the main character, the character nicknamed "Boyfriend", and other villains over musical rounds. Boyfriend tries to win "music reconciliations" in order to win the love of his girlfriend, "Girlfriend".

Tips and Tricks:
- Listen to the music: FNF: Everywhere At The End Of Funk requires you to be in sync with the rhythm and melody of the music to make the moves right. Learning to catch the rhythm and listen to the music will help you to perform the movements correctly.

- Use the main keys: The game will ask you to use the arrow keys (or A, S, D, and W) to perform movements. Get familiar with the keys and learn how to use them to perform technical moves.

- Stay Focused: To win in FNF: Everywhere At The End Of Funk, you need to focus on the music and beat your opponents. Avoid distractions and stay focused to perform the movements correctly.

- Practice and unlock: Practice to master the songs and moves. The game offers different levels from easy to difficult, start from the easy level and slowly work your way up to more difficult levels as you feel more confident.


Basic control keys:
- Arrows up and down (or W and S): Controls Boyfriend's stat bar up and down.
- Arrows left and right (or A and D): Control Boyfriend to balance musical movements.
- Spacebar (or Enter): Used to equate with music rhythm and perform movements.